利用 Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机

利用Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机

使用 Python、Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 模型,构建无需 API 令牌的AI故事机,应用根据上传的图片创建音频故事。文章涉及的应用主要针对英文,可以借助应用学习AI如何看图写话。



本文将创建一个 Python-Streamlit 应用程序,将图片作为输入,通过 Hugging Face 模型识别照片的描述文本,根据它生成一个短故事,之后将根据该短篇故事生成音频。

利用Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机效果

利用Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机效果图2


这是当前AI应用默认的流程了,从创建一个虚拟环境来开始一个新项目。首先创建一个全新的目录 AI-Story 并运行 venv 指令创建虚拟运行环境:

mkdir AI-Story
cd AI-Story
python3 -m venv venv


source venv/bin/activate  #for mac
venv\Scripts\activate     #for windows users

第二步:安装所需的依赖项并获取 Hugging Face API Token

激活 venv 后,运行以下 pip 安装所需的软件包:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install transformers     # 用于与LLM的互动
pip install huggingface_hub  # hugging face library
pip install langchain 
pip install streamlit==1.24.0
pip install python-dotenv

从上面可以看到,没有安装 pytorchtensorflow:主要是因为这里将在免费的 Hugging Face 模型上使用 API 进行推理。为此,需要在 Hugging Face 上注册并创建 API 令牌(向LLMs发出 API 请求的个人授权密钥)。

在 Hugging Face 官方网站上注册账号并获取 API 令牌,这里是说明

因此,需要在 Hugging Face 上创建一个帐户(如果还没有),然后创建 API 令牌

记住! 如果在向 API 发送请求时未提交 API 令牌,将无法在私有模型上运行推理。

在开始之前,先来创建一个 config.py 文件来存储配置变量,config.py 变量的参数来自于文件 .envconfig.py 的代码如下:

from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os



.env 的配置格式如下:


在主目录中创建一个新的 python 文件 app.py,先来验证依赖是否安装成功:

# AI 推理库
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
from langchain import HuggingFaceHub
import requests

# 配置文件
from config import (HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKEN)

import os
import datetime

保存并在激活 venv 的情况下从终端窗口运行:

python3 app.py


注意:导入 Langchain,因为 Hugging Face 尚不支持文本生成推理管道,需要 Langchain 来实现这个功能。

第三步:创建由图片生成文字的 AI 函数

app.py 中,可以开始创建一些函数。将为每项任务创建一个函数:一个用于图像到文本、一个用于文本生成故事、最后一个用于故事文本到语音。


# 仅 HuggingFace Hub 推论
model_Image2Text = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base"

使用变量 hfApiToken 来存储 Hugging Face 令牌,变量 model_Image2Text 任务相关的模型。

图像到文本任务位于 Hugging Face Multimodal 模型中。在 Hugging Face 的 Models 页面上,在左侧的 Multimodal 选择 Image-to-Text:在最受欢迎的模型中,以 blip-base 最知名。

Hugging Face Multimodal 模型中

单击它时,模型卡页面将打开,其中包含大量说明和快速启动代码。为了进行推理,需要遵循 API 指南的说明,仅更改模型名称:只需单击复制图标即可,如图所示:


imageToText 函数现在有了一个模型,发送带有以下信息的请求:

def imageToText(url):
    from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
    client = InferenceClient(token=hfApiToken)
    model_Image2Text = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base"
    # 来自huggingface.co/tasks
    text = client.image_to_text(url,model=model_Image2Text)
    return text

函数 imageToText 将接受本地图像文件并返回描述该图像的文本。

文件 app.py 完整代码如下:

# AI 推理库
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
from langchain import HuggingFaceHub
import requests

# 配置文件
from config import (HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKEN)

import os
import datetime

# 仅 HuggingFace Hub 推论
model_Image2Text = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base"

def imageToText(url):
    from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
    client = InferenceClient(token=hfApiToken)
    # 来自huggingface.co/tasks
    text = client.image_to_text(url,model=model_Image2Text)
    return text


basetext = imageToText("./images/a-boy.jpg")

利用Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机测试图

在激活 venv 下运行:

python3 app.py


a boy sitting on top of a pile of books


Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack who loved to read. He would spend hours buried in a pile of books, lost in the worlds that only books could create.

One day, Jack was sitting on top of the pile, lost in a book about dragons and knights. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his book. He looked up to see a small creature trying to get his attention.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

The creature looked up at him with big, round eyes. "I'm trying to get your attention," it said. "I'm a bookworm too. We're both in here, aren't we?"

Jack smiled. "I suppose we are," he said. "What are you reading?"

The creature looked down at the book in its hand. "This one," it said. "It's about a brave knight who saves a princess from a dragon."

Jack nodded. "I've been reading a lot of those lately," he said.

第四步:从文本函数创建 AI 生成的故事

imageToText 函数检索到的照片描述将是故事生成的起点。

使用 Hugging Face 模型进行文本生成推理并不是一件容易的事!首先,许多执行模型都禁用了 API:其次,文本生成推理根据选择的模型遵循不同的规则。

测试了其中的20个,最终决定选择 togethercomputer/RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1,这是主要基于 OpenAssistant LLM 的模型之一。Open Assistant 是由 LAION 和世界各地有兴趣将该技术带给每个人的个人组织的一个项目。他们的口号是:

正如 Stable Diffusion 改变了现代艺术的创作过程, 我们将透过对话式 AI 来改变世界。

将创建一个函数,使用 LangChain 作为文本生成推理的网关,指定一个类似于上面给出的提示。

# Langchain 到 HuggingFace 的推论
def LC_TextGeneration(model, basetext):
    from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain
    os.environ["HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN"] = hfApiToken
    llm = HuggingFaceHub(repo_id=model , model_kwargs={"temperature":0.45,"min_length":30, "max_length":250})
    print(f"Running repo: {model}")    
    print("Preparing template")
    template = """<human>: write a very short story about {basetext}.
    The story must be a one paragraph.
    <bot>: """
    prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["basetext"])
    llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=llm)
    start = datetime.datetime.now() 
    print("Running chain...")
    story = llm_chain.run(basetext)
    stop = datetime.datetime.now()  
    elapsed = stop - start
    print(f"Executed in {elapsed}")
    return story

LangChain 需要不同的方法来传递 HuggingFace API 令牌:使用 os.environ["HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN"] 将其存储为环境变量。

该函数将接受模型 (RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1) 和基本文本(用于生成短篇故事的文本)作为参数。


template = """"""<human>: write a very short story about {basetext}.
    The story must be a one paragraph.
    <bot>: """"""


basetext = imageToText("./images/a-boy.jpg")
mystory = LC_TextGeneration(model_TextGeneration, basetext)
finalstory = mystory.split('\n\n')[0]

运行后 AI 写的故事如下:可能已经注意到这个故事要长得多。这就是为什么将其分成几个段落,并且只采用第一段:对于一个小故事来说已经足够了。

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack who loved to read. He would spend hours buried in a pile of books, lost in the worlds that only books could create.

One day, Jack was sitting on top of the pile, lost in a book about dragons and knights. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his book. He looked up to see a small creature trying to get his attention.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

The creature looked up at him with big, round eyes. "I'm trying to get your attention," it said. "I'm a bookworm too. We're both in here, aren't we?"

Jack smiled. "I suppose we are," he said. "What are you reading?"

The creature looked down at the book in its hand. "This one," it said. "It's about a brave knight who saves a princess from a dragon."

Jack nodded. "I've been reading a lot of those lately," he said.


现在有了文本故事,接下来将使用文本转语音模型来为生成音频。在 Hugging Face Model 部分,向下滚动左侧面板选择 text-to-speech 选项过滤音频任务。

可以尝试任何一种流行的声音:选择 espnet/kan-bayashi_ljspeech_vits

使用 requests 方法创建一个用于文本转语音生成的函数:将在 Header 中包含一个带有 hfApiToken 的 f 字符串(如果不包含,API 请求将被拒绝)。

第六步:使用 Streamlit 集成所有功能

可以在 GitHub 存储库中找到所有图像和音频文件以及完整代码。

Streamlit 是一个用于构建数据 Web 应用程序的库,无需了解任何前端技术(例如 HTML 和 CSS)。如果想了解更多信息,请查看此处更多文档

创建一个新的文件 main.py ,完整代码如下:

# 使用 Streamlit 进行 HuggingFace 推理的 Python 应用程序
# AI 推理库
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
from langchain import HuggingFaceHub
import requests
# 内部使用
import os
import datetime
import uuid
import streamlit as st
# 配置文件
from config import (HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKEN)

# 只有HuggingFace Hub 推理

model_Image2Text = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base"

def imageToText(url):
    from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
    client = InferenceClient(token=hfApiToken)
    model_Image2Text = "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base"
    text = client.image_to_text(url,
    return text

def  text2speech(text):
  import requests
  API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/espnet/kan-bayashi_ljspeech_vits"
  headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hfApiToken}"}

  payloads = {
      "inputs" : "".join(text.split('\n\n'))
  response = requests.post(API_URL, headers=headers, json=payloads)
  with open('audiostory.flac', 'wb') as file:

# Langchain 到 Hugging Face 的推理
def LC_TextGeneration(model, basetext):
    from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain
    os.environ["HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN"] = hfApiToken
    llm = HuggingFaceHub(repo_id=model , model_kwargs={"temperature":0.45,"min_length":30, "max_length":250})
    print(f"Running repo: {model}")    
    print("Preparing template")
    template = """<human>: write a very short story about {basetext}.
    The story must be a one paragraph.
    <bot>: """
    prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["basetext"])
    llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=llm)
    start = datetime.datetime.now()  
    print("Running chain...")
    story = llm_chain.run(basetext)
    stop = datetime.datetime.now() 
    elapsed = stop - start
    print(f"Executed in {elapsed}")
    return story

def generate_uuid():
    return uuid.uuid4().hex

def main():

  st.set_page_config(page_title="Your Photo Story Creatror App", page_icon='📱')

  st.header("Turn your Photos into Amazing Audio Stories")
  st.image('./assets/banner.png', use_column_width=True)
  st.markdown("1. Select a photo from your pc\n 2. AI detect the photo description\n3. AI write a story about the photo\n4. AI generate an audio file of the story")
  image_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=['png', 'jpg'] )
  if image_file is not None:
    bytes_data = image_file.getvalue()
    save_name = generate_uuid()
    upload_path = f"./upload/{save_name}.jpg"
    with open(upload_path, "wb") as file:
    st.image(image_file, caption="Uploaded Image...",
    st.warning("Generating Photo description",  icon="🤖")
    basetext = imageToText(upload_path)
    with st.expander("Photo Description"):
    st.warning("Generating Photo Story",  icon="🤖")
    mystory = LC_TextGeneration(model_TextGeneration, basetext)
    finalstory = mystory
    with st.expander("Photo Story"):
    st.warning("Generating Audio Story",  icon="🤖")

    st.success("Audio Story completed!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

保存 python 文件并激活 venv,运行

streamlit run main.py


利用Streamlit 和 Hugging Face 创建免费AI故事机应用


